.: Baby, Child Care Tips :.

1 Oct 2008

Baby Care Products : Bottom

  The one area of your baby's body that will get lots of attention many times during the day and night is her bottom. At some point, your baby will probably get a diaper rash. When this happens, be sure to apply a diaper cream that contains zinc oxide. Keep the irritated area as clean and dry as possible, and apply the cream after each diaper change.
  If you find that baby wipes seem to irritate your child's skin, you may want to switch to non-scented wipes. Sometimes the ingredients used to make the wipes smell clean and fresh can irritate a baby's sensitive skin.

30 Sept 2008

Baby Care Products : Hair

  Even if your baby doesn't have much, if any, hair, you'll still want to wash his scalp. Today, there are many head-to-toe baby care products. These products can be used on baby's hair, as well as the rest of his body. You can also purchase baby shampoo. Make sure the product is tear-free, though.

29 Sept 2008

Baby Care Products : Oral Hygiene

  You'll need to buy toothpaste as well as a toothbrush for your little guy. Wait a minute, you say! My little guy only has two teeth. Well, you want to start your baby out with good, oral hygiene, right? What better way than to introduce your child to the art of brushing his teeth.
  When your baby begins to cut his first teeth, you can simply wipe your baby's gums with a soft cloth. As his teeth begin to develop, you can use a small amount of toothpaste on a cloth, toothbrush, or finger brush, which is basically a small, rubber toothbrush that fits on your finger.

28 Sept 2008

Baby Care Products : Skin

  When your baby was first born, you may have noticed that his skin was red and splotchy. He may have even developed an angry looking rash, or his face was covered with tiny pimples. Not exactly the perfect skin that babies are suppose to have, right?
  Don't worry. Eventually, your child's skin will probably begin to look soft and almost blemish free. In the first few weeks after birth, however, your baby is dealing with lots of hormonal changes, just like mom! These hormones affect baby's sensitive skin, causing breakouts. What's a parent to do?

  Today, parents have many wonderful baby care products to choose from and use on their baby's skin. There are lots of wonderful baby lotions. Some of these boast lanolin as well as other skin-smoothing emollients to help your child have soft, sweet-smelling skin. While you can still purchase baby oil, there is a better alternative. Baby oil can now be bought in the form of a lotion. It absorbs into baby's skin much more easily than typical baby oil and works just as well, if not better.

  One baby care product you do need to avoid, though, is powder. While powder was commonly used until recently, pediatricians now recommend that parents do not use powder on a baby. Infants can inhale the small, powder particles, and this may cause respiratory problems.

27 Sept 2008

Baby Care Tips : Play Time

  Even newborns can enjoy some play time with their parents!

1. You should spend some time playing with your baby every day.

2. Newborn infants love toys and books decorated in black, white, and red colors. They also love to look at faces!

3. Babies love to look at themselves in mirrors.

4. Don't forget to read to your baby! Reading to your child daily will help her develop in so many ways!

5. You should follow the age appropriate guidelines that are printed on toys before giving them to your child.

26 Sept 2008

Baby Care Tips: Bedtime Rituals

  It is a good idea to establish a bedtime ritual for your baby. You should also follow several safety guidelines for your baby's bedtime.

1. You can establish a simple ritual, such as bathing baby, reading to him, and singing him a song. Then lay him in the bed when he is drowsy but still awake.

2. You should remove all blankets, loose sheets, pillows, and toys from your baby's bed to reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

3. Your baby's crib should meet all the safety requirements.

4. Keep your baby's room relatively cool and don't dress him in too many garments.

5. Sometimes white noise, such as a fan, will help baby sleep better.

25 Sept 2008

Baby Care Tips: Bathing Baby

  Bathing a newborn can be an intimidating task the first few times you do it. Before long, however, you'll be quite adept at handling your slippery baby.

1. You should not give your baby a tub bath until his umbilical cord has fallen off and his circumcision has healed.

2. Begin bathing your baby by wiping his eyes from the inside to the outside using a clean, damp cloth, without soap.

3. You can gently scrub your baby's head to remove any dried skin.

4. You should bathe your baby and dry him off rather quickly to keep him from getting chilled.

5. You should never leave a baby alone in the tub, even for a minute